
Keanu Reevesin neljäs Matrix-elokuva sai virallisesti nimen ja trailerikin on jo nähty

25.08.2021 08:22 Muropaketin toimitus

Matrix 4:n on luvattu ilmestyvän vielä tämän vuoden puolella. Mitään ennakkomaistiaisia ei elokuvasta ole vielä saatu, ja nimikin on ollut huhujen varassa. Nyt Warner Bros. Pictures on kuitenkin pistänyt promootiorattaat pyörimään, hitaasti tosin.

ScreenRantin mukaan Matrix 4:n nimeksi on vahvistettu CinemaCon-messuilla huhujen mukainen The Matrix: Resurrections eli vapaasi suomennettuna Matrix: Ylösnousemukset.

ScreenRant on myös kuvaillut CinemaConissa esitettyä traileria, jota ei valitettavasti vielä ole virallisesti verkkoversiona julkaistu:

”The new trailer opens in San Francisco, with Neo now going by the name of Thomas and seemingly unaware of who he is. Neil Patrick Harris plays his therapist and a brief scene of Neo as Thomas is shown in a therapy session. Neo says, ”I’ve had dreams that don’t seem like dreams. Am I crazy?” before he has flashbacks to events of the original trilogy.The trailer also expands on the initial footage of Trinity and Neo meeting, but this time, they don’t seem to know each other even though they think they do. Trinity asks Neo as Thomas, ”Have we met?”

The trailer then shifts into montage mode, with Neo observing day-to-day life in the Matrix’s version of San Francisco. Finally, Mateen shows up and he looks like a young Morpheus, saying, ”Time to fly,” before offering Neo a red pill and a blue pill. Then, another young woman with blue hair takes Neo through a mirror, showing him the Matrix.

Another scene sees young Morpheus and Neo fighting before Neo breaks the dojo room with his powers. The trailer also shows that the machine pods are back, as are agents, and the franchise’s signature action. Trinity can be seen fighting police officers and agents at one point before the clip ends with Neo pulling his signature move, stopping bullets with his mind, before he redirects an entire missile at a helicopter.”

The Matrix: Resurrectionsin on tarkoitus saapua elokuvateattereihin 15.12.2021.