
Worldcon 75 -vinkit lauantaille: Star Warsia, trailereita ja vuoden komeimmat naamiaiset

12.08.2017 08:21 Muropaketin toimitus

Worldcon 75:n lauantai tarjoaa yhden koko tieteis- ja fantasiatapahtuman merkittävimmistä ohjelmanumeroista – sekä tietenkin myös paljon, paljon muuta.

Muropaketin Worldcon-ohjelmavinkkilistan merkittävin kohta on lauantaina tietenkin Masquerade eli naamiaiset, joiden merkeissä päästään ihastelemaan cosplayharrastajien ja toki muidenkin asusteiden ystävien taidonnäytteitä. Muuten vinkkilistamme on tällä kertaa sangen elokuva- ja sarjapainotteinen.

Ota päivän aikana haltuun ainakin nämä:

1. Hard SF at the Movies

Kello 12.00-13.00 (tila 207)

“The recent years have brought us quite a good number of science fiction movies which are actually based on science and aren’t just action-fantasy in space. The panel discusses their recent favorites.”

2. 40 years of Star Wars

Kello 13.00-14.00 (tila 206)

“The first Star Wars movie made it to the big screen in 1977, and the latest one just last year. The franchise seems to be far from finished! The panel discusses the good, the bad and the ugly in the Star Wars movies and why some of them have stood the test of time. What’s the future of Star Wars?”

3. Iron Sky: The Coming Race and Renate’s Story

Kello 16.00-17.00 (tila 101a&b)

“Iron Sky was one of the largest movie projects ever come out of Finland. Its sequel, Iron Sky: The Coming Race, comes out in 2017. Come hear the creators of the Iron Sky universe talk about their work! Johanna Sinisalo talks about her up-coming novel Renate’s Story.”

4. Trailer Park

Kello 17.00-18.00 (tila 101c)

“Trailers for upcoming films with entertaining commentary from panel members.”

5. Masquerade

Kello 19.30-22.30 (Halli 1)

“Lights! Camera! Action! Come see our costumers and cosplayers cross the main stage to show off their creativity and skill. Color, cut, construction, all combined to create a spectacle for all ages! Who will be your favorite? Who will the judges select? Stay for the Halftime entertainment, provided by Sassafrass, while waiting for the judging results. Doors open at 19.00, Masquerade will begin at 19.30.”