
Klassikkoelokuva Paluu tulevaisuuteen 2 tehtiin uusiksi koronaviruksen ansiosta – Hommaan osallistui yli 300 ihmistä 9 eri maasta

10.04.2020 10:55 Muropaketin toimitus

Uudessa Back to the Future 2 -versiossa nähdään kaikkea mahdollista tietokoneanimaatiosta näytteleviin banaaneihin.

Back to the Future Part II -elokuva on tehty kokonaan uusiksi ja se on nyt katsottavissa YouTubessa.

Project 88 – Back to the Future Too -nimellä kulkevassa projektissa oli mukana yli 300 ihmistä yhdeksästä eri maasta, jotka tekivät sen ollessaan karanteenissa. Kohtauksia on toteutettu lukuisilla eri tavoilla – mukana on esimerkiksi South Park -animaatiolta näyttävää kamaa, stop motion -animaatiota. leluautoja, tietokoneanimaatiota ja pelkillä banaaneilla tehty kohtaus.

Projektin tekijät kertovat alkuperäiskielellä siitä seuraavaa:

”The idea was to split the movie into 88 scenes and find people from around the world to recreate those scenes using whatever they had on hand during the various stay-at-home and physical distancing guidelines that were in place at the time (March 2020). Each team was given 1 week to complete their scene.

We were blown away by the creativity that this spawned! We ended up with over 300 people from 9 different countries contributing to the project! This “movie” contains actors of all ages and experience levels (including some fun cameos from the original actors of Back to the Future 2), puppets, animation, original music, cats, dogs, and even one scene performed entirely by bananas.

The best part of this process is that so many people told us after completing their scenes, that it was the best part of their week, or that it helped them take their minds of all of the craziness that is going in the world for even just a few hours.

We really hope you enjoy the “movie” and that maybe it inspired you to do something fun and creative as well!”