
Assassin’s Creed nousi yllätyshitiksi

14.12.2007 16:38 Muropaketin toimitus

Ubisoft hykertelee tyytyväisenä, eikä suotta. PlayStation 3:n ja Xbox 360:n erinomainen salamurhaajaseikkailu Assassin’s Creed myy kuin pullovesi Saharassa.

Ranskalainen Ubisoft on toimittanut pelistä neljässä viikossa yli 2,5 miljoonaa kappaletta. Ubisoft onkin nostanut pelin myyntiarviotaan kolmesta miljoonasta viiteen miljoonaan.

Hyviä uutisia firmalle, sillä Assassin’s Creed on saanut myös paikoittain pahaakin ruoskintaa lehdistöltä. Ylikriittisiksi arvioidut näkemykset eivät ole kuitenkaan saaneet aina ymmärrystä pelaajilta, jotka ovat löytäneet siitä erinomaisen seikkailun kun powerpelaamiseen keskittyneiden arvostelijoiden näkemykset on jätetty  huomiotta.

Oikeastaan tähän voisikin lainata pitkän pätkän Penny Arcaden Gaben näkemystä tilanteesta. Se kertonee kaiken…

I think the biggest complaint I saw was that the missions become repetitive and boring. I actually didn’t understand this complaint at all until just the other day. I had gotten an early copy of the game just like everyone else in the media but I was just playing it for fun. I’d cracked into it over the weekend and when I got into the office on Monday I started seeing these negative reviews. When I saw the low scores I was actually really upset and I wanted to talk about the game here on the site. I wanted to tell everyone that these guys were full of shit. However, since so many of the complaints were based on the ending I wanted to beat it first so I was sure I wasn’t missing anything. I attacked the game again but this time with the goal of beating it as fast as I could. I was determined to get a post up on Tuesday and I was pushing through the game as fast as I could. I went from finding every high perch in a district to only getting the ones I needed to advance the story. I stopped saving every citizen and avoided any unnecessary confrontations. The informer missions that I had really enjoyed before, I now avoided because I knew they took too long to complete. I did the bare minimum of missions to progress the story and anything that ”hindered” my progress was frustrating. Monday night after skipping over another combat (something I used to really enjoy) I stopped myself. What the fuck was I doing? I wasn’t playing the game because I wanted to I was playing it because I had a deadline and I needed to beat it. I stopped immediately and decided I’d write about the game whenever I got around to beating it. I spent another day and a half with it and during that time I hunted for hidden flags and explored the cities again. I came in this morning and finally did beat it but I did it at my own pace and I enjoyed every part of it.

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