
Kun Chuck Norris ei vetänytkään kaikkia pataan

14.05.2012 17:30 Jukka O. Kauppinen

Chuck Norris tunnustetaan yleisesti universumin kaikkein kovimmaksi olennoksi ja alkuvoimaksi. Silti, ylijumalisimmatkin olennot saattavat joskus potkaista hutin. Niin ainakin vuonna 1983 julkaistussa Chuck Norris Superkicks -pelissä.

Alkujaan Atari 2600 -konsolille, sittemmin myös C-64:lle, Vic-20:lle ja Colecovisionille julkaistu peli oli näet kamalaa roskaa senkin ajan mittapuilla. Olihan pelissä sentään kaksi eri toimintatilaa, joista toisessa liikuttiin kartalla ja toisella yritettiin antaa pataan vihollisille. Mutta nimi ei vetänyt vertoja pelin ankeudelle.

Peliohjeet ovat kuitenkin herkät:

You, ”Chuck Norris”, are in an oriental land and you are trying to save a famous leader who is being kept prisoner in an ancient monastery.

As you start out, you have a White Belt and must succeed to master the karate martial arts and achieve a Black Belt in order to enter the monastery which is guarded by the dreaded NINJA.

You must choose a path carefully as the tall grass will slow your progress and attackers will cause you to defend yourself. Some of the paths are blocked by impassable barriers which will make you take an alternate rout to your goal.

As you begin your journey to the monastery, you must move up the brown path. Do not wander off the path or the tall grass will slow your progress and you will lose valuable time. Choose the correct route to avoid impassable barriers. Be prepared to defend yourself against attacking enemies. As you proceed through each screen you will learn new martial arts skills and gain a new color belt.

When you are attacked, you must defend yourself by using your karate skills. Each enemy that you defeat will give you points. Each group of enemies that you defeat in a fight screen will allow you to continue on your journey to the monastery. If you chose the correct path, you will advance to the next belt. During the fight screens the enemies may knock you down, but you can quickly get up and defeat them. Avoid the dangerous CHINESE STARS which the enemies throw. If struck by a Star, you will be injured and find yourself lying on the ground on the path at the beginning of the screen where you were defeated. Get up and try again! Each level of enemies will be more difficult than the last. You must earn your belts!


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