
Legendaarinen Dwarf Fortress sai suuren päivityksen!

02.12.2015 13:00 Miikka Lehtonen

Dwarf Fortress on legendaarinen peli ja todellinen pelialan vaikuttaja. Kahden veljeksen koodaamassa pelissä pelaaja komentaa linnoituksellista kääpiöitä kohti vääjäämätöntä tuhoa. Vaikka Dwarf Fortress ei pelinä ehkä kiinnostaisikaan kiitos sen sikamaisen oppimiskäyrän, se on vaikuttanut lukemattomiin muihin peleihin, kuten Prison Architectiin.

Kun Dwarf Fortress päivittyy, se on aina suuri juttu ja tapahtuma, sillä näin ei käy kovin usein. Päivitykset kun tuppaavat olemaan suuria ja kun kehitystiimi koostuu kahdesta ihmisestä, niiden tehtaileminen kestää hetken. Mutta nyt peli on siis päivittynyt. Tuore päivitys lisää Dwarf Fortressiin muun muassa kapakat, joissa kääpiöt voivat hoitaa runsaita surujaan alkoholilla, ammattimaisia hirviönmetsästäjiä, jotka voivat saapua taistelemaan linnoitukseen pesiytyviä vihuja vastaan ja ties mitä muuta.

Jos ei ole jo rankan tason Dwarf Fortress -veteraani, kannattaa ehkä odotella viikko tai pari, sillä pelin ympärillä elävä yhteisö tulee taas varmasti julkaisemaan päivityksen kanssa yhteensopivia versioita työkaluistaan ja modeistaan, jotka tekevät pelin pelaamisesta helpompaa. Ja jos Dwarf Fortress ei ole tuttu, lukaise vaikka oheinen hehkutukseni siitä, miksi kyseessä on yksi modernin pelaamisen merkkipaaluista.

Tässä kaikki patch notet:

  • Ability to designate taverns, temples and libraries in the fortress
  • Taverns and libraries also exist in adventure mode and world generation
  • Tavern keepers can serve drinks in both modes, goblets can be used by dwarves to drink (in taverns or otherwise)
  • Performances include stories, poetry, music and dance (you can view activity descriptions from the unit/job list)
  • Art forms are randomly generated for each civilization
  • Instruments are now all generated, instruments can be used in both modes
  • Most instruments are constructed from multiple pieces using different materials
  • Personalities and values lead to needs which can be met by various actions in both modes
  • The fort has visitors, residency petitions and eventual citizenship, including non-dwarves
  • Tavern visitors include mercenaries, monster slayers, bandits, diplomats and performers
  • Can set details for clothing/armor jobs to make them for other races that can equip items
  • Monster slayers can petition your fortress to go down and fight monsters once you discover the underground
  • Performance troupes are active in world generation and into play, visiting the fort, can be formed in adventure mode
  • New knowledge system divided into nine branches (though it has very few practical effects so far)
  • Fortress scholars can advance knowledge, form master-apprentice relationships and write down their findings
  • Fortress scribes can copy works in your library
  • Scholars can visit your fortress libraries, bringing knowledge from around the world
  • Devoted historical figures can visit your fortress temples
  • Three forms of writing material: papyrus sheets, paper sheets and parchment sheets
  • Papyrus sheets are made directly from the plant at the farmer’s workshop
  • Paper is made from pressed slurries (start at the quern/mill, then go to a screw press)
  • Parchment is made from hide and milk of lime at the tanner’s (bake quicklime at a kiln, then make milk of lime at an ashery)
  • Sheets are used to make quires or with rollers to make scrolls — these are then used for writing
  • Quires can be bound into codices with bindings after they contain writing
  • Dwarves read books in the library (they don’t need to be scholars)
  • Values can be passed in writing (both modes) and through adventure mode arguments (uses some conversation skills)
  • Animal people are playable as adventurers, arrive as fort visitors and sometimes live in towns in (playable) populations
  • Children play with toys now, and they can also play make believe, in both modes
  • Personality can be customized/randomized in adventure mode, appearance can be randomized as well
  • Temples can be defiled in both modes, dwarf temples can be assigned to particular gods
  • Adventurer can rent rooms in inns
  • Adventurers can compose new poems, music and dances
  • Adventurers can write material down on empty quires or scrolls
  • Alcohol causes inebriation, erratic behavior, unconsciousness, death
  • Festivals occur in world generation, though we haven’t gotten them out of there yet
  • Dwarves will wear trinkets again

Major bug fixes

  • Fixed some army pathing issues
  • Goblins have mounts again
  • Fixed long-standing flow bug with unit occupancy
  • Stopped some issues with brawls escalating to non-lethal

Other bug fixes/tweaks

  • Looking at reaction screen for redded-out reactions in workshop will indicate missing reagents now
  • Fixed inversion problem with half of the child/parent conversation thoughts
  • Lots of historical figures that weren’t around from the beginning didn’t have deities when they were supposed to
  • Allowed site finder to look for 1×1 sites
  • Human civilizations now have randomized values
  • Added ability to set invasion wave cap size

Lisätietoja: Dwarf Fortress