
Katso video ja tilaa omasi: My First Bacon -pehmopekoni on suloisin lelu ikinä!

11.11.2010 09:26 Muropaketin toimitus

ThinkGeekin My First Bacon on mahdollisesti hienoin pehmolelu ikinä! Halattava ja hymyilevä pekoni toteaa ”I’m a bacon”, kun puristat häntä, oli tilanne mikä tahansa. Voiko suloisempaa lahjaa omalle pikku piltille ollakaan? (Kasvissyöjät hiljaa)

20 dollarin arvoisen My First Baconin kuvaus kuuluu seuraavasti:

Squeeze him and he says, ”I’m Bacon!”. No matter what the situation, he says, ”I’m Bacon!” This reminds children that no matter what happens in life, they should be true to themselves and always be proud of who they are. Which of course, means bacon lovers. What child on this planet wouldn’t want to befriend a piece of mostly meat held together with fat and love? And don’t just think about the kids, adults enjoy My First Bacon just as much as the kids do. Sometimes a little too much.



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