
Tämä on nähtävä: Alien ja Prometheus leikattiin yhdeksi 2,5 tunnin mittaiseksi elokuvaksi [video]

15.06.2015 15:13 Muropaketin toimitus


Ridley Scottin Alien oli mestariteos. Prometheus… No, ei nyt ihan.

Nyt avaruuskauhistelut on leikattu yhdeksi mammuttielokuvaksi, joka ainakin vielä toistaiseksi löytyy Vimeo-videopalvelusta.

Job Willins esittelee nimen ”Derelict” saaneen ”leikkauskokeilunsa” seuraavasti:

”’Derelict’ is an editing project for academic purposes. ’Prometheus’ wasn’t exactly an Alien prequel, but this treats it as such by intercutting the events of Alien with Prometheus in a dual narrative structure. The goal was to assemble the material to emphasize the strengths of Prometheus as well as its ties to Alien. ’Derelict’ is in black & white to better marry the visual quality of the two originals (and also because both films look great in black & white). Roughly 30 minutes has been cut from Prometheus and about an hour of Alien has been used in its place. Some content from the deleted scenes of Prometheus was also used.”

Derelict from Job Willins on Vimeo.

Lähde: Vimeo