
Scarlett Johansson psykoilee Austin Powers -ohjaajan kanssa

18.02.2015 13:30 Muropaketin toimitus


Scarlett Johansson on tullut viime vuosina tutuksi lähinnä toimintaelokuvista. Seuraavaksi nainen vakavoituu hetkeksi.

Ei, emme puhu nyt huhtikuussa ensi-iltansa saavasta The Avengers: Age of Ultronista, vaan sen jälkeen ilmestyvästä The Psychopath Testistä.

Deadlinen mukaan Scarlett Johansson on kiinnitetty The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry -kirjan filmatisointiin. Joe Ronsonin faktapohjainen opus kertoo muun muassa mielenterveysongelmista, niiden hoidoista sekä faktasta, jonka mukaan monet menestyjät ovat jossain määrin psykopaatteja.

The Psychopath Testin ohjaa Austin Powersista ja muista komedioista tuttu Jay Roach. Elokuvasta on silti tulossa psykologinen trilleri. Vielä ei ole tiedossa, millainen dramaturginen rakenne tai hahmogalleria tarinassa nähdään.

The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industryn kuvaus kuuluu seuraavasti:

”They say one out of every hundred people is a psychopath. You probably passed one on the street today. These are people who have no empathy, who are manipulative, deceitful, charming, seductive, and delusional. The Psychopath Test is the New York Times bestselling exploration of their world and the madness industry.

When Jon Ronson is drawn into an elaborate hoax played on some of the world’s top scientists, his investigation leads him, unexpectedly, to psychopaths. He meets an influential psychologist who is convinced that many important business leaders and politicians are in fact high-flying, high-functioning psychopaths, and teaches Ronson how to spot them. Armed with these new abilities, Ronson meets a patient inside an asylum for the criminally insane who insists that he’s sane, a mere run-of-the-mill troubled youth, not a psychopath—a claim that might be only manipulation, and a sign of his psychopathy. He spends time with a death-squad leader institutionalized for mortgage fraud, and with a legendary CEO who took joy in shutting down factories and firing people. He delves into the fascinating history of psychopathy diagnosis and treatments, from LSD-fueled days-long naked therapy sessions in prisons to attempts to understand serial killers.

Along the way, Ronson discovers that relatively ordinary people are, more and more, defined by their most insane edges. The Psychopath Test is a fascinating adventure through the minds of madness.”

Teksti: Tatu Junni
Lähde: Deadline