
Bowling For Columbine -ohjaaja Michael Moore hehkutti Jokeria vuolaasti – Ohjaaja Todd Phillips vastasi huomattavasti lyhyemmällä viestillä

08.10.2019 07:49 Muropaketin toimitus

Yhdysvalloissa vallan vahtikoirana tunnettu, populistinen dokumentaristi Michael Moore on monen muun katsojan tavoin ihastunut Todd Phillipsin uuteen Jokeri-elokuvaan.

Pian Jokeri-elokuvan nähtyään elokuvista Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11 ja Sicko tunnettu Michael Moore julkaisi eri somekanavissa pitkän viestin, jossa hän kehui Jokeri-elokuvaa seuraavasti:


Näytä tämä julkaisu Instagramissa.


On Wednesday night I attended the New York Film Festival and witnessed a cinematic masterpiece, the film that last month won the top prize as the Best Film of the Venice International Film Festival. It’s called “Joker” — and all we Americans have heard about this movie is that we should fear it and stay away from it. We’ve been told it’s violent and sick and morally corrupt. We’ve been told that police will be at every screening this weekend in case of “trouble.” Our country is in deep despair, our constitution is in shreds, a rogue maniac from Queens has access to the nuclear codes — but for some reason, it’s a movie we should be afraid of. I would suggest the opposite: The greater danger to society may be if you DON’T go see this movie. Because the story it tells and the issues it raises are so profound, so necessary, that if you look away from the genius of this work of art, you will miss the gift of the mirror it is offering us. Yes, there’s a disturbed clown in that mirror, but he’s not alone — we’re standing right there beside him. “Joker” is no comic book movie. The film is set somewhere in 1970s Gotham/New York City, the headquarters of all evil: the rich who rule us, the banks and corporations whom we serve, the media which feeds us a daily diet “news” they think we should absorb. But this movie is not about Trump. It’s about the America that gave us Trump — the America which feels no need to help the outcast, the destitute. The America where the filthy rich just get richer and filthier. Thank you Joaquin Phoenix, Todd Phillips, Warner Bros. and all who made this important movie for this important time. I loved this film’s multiple homages to Taxi Driver, Network, The French Connection, Dog Day Afternoon. How long has it been since we’ve seen a movie aspire to the level of Stanley Kubrick? Go see this film. Take your teens. Take your resolve.

Henkilön Michael Moore (@michaelfmoore) jakama julkaisu

Jokerin ohjaaja Todd Phillips vastasi Moorelle huomattavasti lyhyemmin:

”Vau, kiitti tästä!”.

Vähäpuheisuutta ei kuitenkaan kannata tulkita liikaa – Phillipsillä pitää selvästi kiirettä nyt, kun Jokeri on koko planeetan puhutuin elokuva tällä hetkellä.

Yhden viestin ohjaaja on sentään ehtinyt Instagramiin lisätä.