
Thor: Ragnarokin Blu-ray on varustettu kunnon bonusmateriaalilla

11.01.2018 08:10 Muropaketin toimitus

Thor Ragnarokin hopeakiekolta löytyy muun muassa ohjaaja Taika Waititin kommenttiraita. 

Taika Waititin ohjaama Thor-trilogian paras elokuva Thor: Ragnarok ilmestyy Yhdysvalloissa digiversiona 20. helmikuuta ja 6. maaliskuuta kauppoihin saapuu 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray ja DVD, joilta löytyy kerrankin kunnon ekstramateriaalit. Bonukset jatkavat elokuvan huumorilinjalla ja nauravat eniten itselleen.

Kotiteatterijulkaisun kiinnostavinta antia ohjaaja Waititin kommenttiraidan lisäksi on ainakin Team Darryl -mokumentti. Suomen julkaisupäivä ei ole vielä selvillä, mutta eiköhän tämä ilmesty vain vähän jenkkiversion jälkeen.

Tässä kaikki bonukset:

  • Introduction by director Taika Waititi (1min 44sec).
  • Knowing your inner Thor (6min 39sec). The director of ”Thor: Ragnarok”, Taika Waititi, contributed to the film his unique sensibility and sense of humor in many ways, but what stands out most in the new film is the evolution of Thor’s own sense of humor. This piece explores the impact that Chris Hemsworth had on the development of this character, while the production team reveals the fun and hard work involved in creating Thor’s colleagues.
  • Unstoppable women: Hela and Valkyrie (5min 57sec). How Hela became dark and Valkyrie fought to the end in battle.
  • Looking for Korg (7min 34sec). An ironic interview with Taika about his casting.
  • Sakaar: On the edge of the known and the unknown (8min 23sec). Sakaar is a place that brings together all the lost and unloved things. This content will answer all known and unknown questions while at the same time exploring the effort and creativity that required the creation of the Sakaar aspect. From the design inspired by the classic art of Jack Kirby to the dedication of the visual development team and the impressive design of physical and digital art.
  • Journey to the mystery (5min 47sec). A segment of deep exploration that brings together writers, director and producer Kevin Feige to talk about what inspired them in the comics to perform ”Thor: Ragnarok”. In particular, the limited series of combats between champions in which the Grandmaster confronted our favorite heroes among them just as he does in the film. This segment also analyzes the origins of Thor in the comic and the arcs of classic stories through interviews with some of the most important creators of comics, such as Walt Simonson and Jack Kirby.
  • Team Darryl (6min 08sec). Just deposed as Sakaar’s leader, the Grandmaster goes to Earth to start a new life. It’s been a year since Thor left Australia and Darryl has had trouble paying the rent. Now Darryl needs a new roommate to help him make the monthly payments. Unfortunately for Darryl, the Grandmaster was the only one who responded to the ”Need Roommate” notice that Darryl published and, having no other viable options, the Grandmaster moved in with him.
  • Marvel Studios: The first ten years – The evolution of heroes (5min 23sec) The universe of Marvel is very large and transcends time and space. We will examine the Marvel Cinematic Universe and know where they are and what all of our superheroes are doing right now.
  • Deleted scenes (6 in total) (9min 38sec).
  • Audio commentary (2h 10min 23sec).
  • Outtakes (2min 18sec) Sequences in 8 bits: Battle between spaceships in Sakaar (58sec) and Battle final in the bridge (2mins 17sec). Final scene on the bridge + battle of space ships in Sakaar. Immerse yourself in these crucial sequences presented in the format of ancient video games.