
Uusi Paluu tulevaisuuteen -teoria laittaa koko elokuvasarjan uuteen uskoon

17.05.2017 10:12 Muropaketin toimitus

Vuoden 1985 Paluu tulevaisuuteen -elokuvassa (Back to the Future) Michael J. Foxin esittämä Marty McFly matkustaa ajassa taaksepäin vuosikymmeniä. Tähän asti on kuviteltu, että aikamatka jäi vain Martyn ja Emmett Brownin salaisuudeksi. Mitä jos näin ei ollutkaan?

Reddit-palvelun käyttäjä djbred18 on heittänyt ilmoille villin ajatuksen: mitä jos Martyn vanhemmat tiesivät koko ajan poikansa suuren salaisuuden?

Villi faniteoria kuuluu seuraavasti:

“I realised that at the end of the movie, when Marty looks at his truck and is talking to Jennifer, he glances back at his parents in the door, and they give him a nod and smile and turn and walk away. What if Marty’s parents remembered/realised exactly who he was and bought him that truck as a sort of way of saying thank you?

“It is such a weird scene to have in the movie otherwise. Yes you could argue that they were smiling and giving him privacy because they approve of Jennifer and his relationship with her and wanted to see his reaction to the truck.

“But to me it makes more sense that they were like… ‘Our son looks just like that kid who disappeared from school without ever being seen again.”

“Oh and that kid knew the song Johnny B Good, Darth Vader and Vulcan before they ever came out.

“The kicker for the mom would have been the first time she saw a Calvin Klein ad on a billboard! I think those nuggets of future wisdom helped them piece it all together. I mean they had a 30 years to figure it out!”

“And of course they couldn’t say anything to him about it because they were smart enough to know that any mention of the events could potentially harm what happened.”

“So they played it smart, didn’t say anything and instead bought him a truck as a thank you.

“Why else would they have bought him a vehicle and not his siblings?

“Keep in mind his brother was going to borrow the BMW to get to work.

“There you have it. Marty’s parents weren’t as ignorant to what happened as many have have thought.

“The proof is in that knowing smile they share in the doorway [in 1955]…’Marty, I like that name’.”

Vankkoja pointteja, mutta onnistuuko djbred18 vakuuttamaan?

Back to the Future
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