
Twin Peaksilla on juuret tosielämässä: ”Oikean Laura Palmerin” kuolema on 110 vuotta vanha mysteeri

26.04.2018 12:30 Muropaketin toimitus

Kehitellessään Twin Peaksia 1980-luvun loppupuolella, David Lynch ja Mark Frost ammensivat tv-sarjaansa ajatuksen Laura Palmerista Hazel Irene Drew’lta, joka murhattiin Sand Lakessa vuonna 1908.

Hazel Irene Drew’n murhaa ei koskaan onnistuttu selvittämään, mutta nyt siitä on tehty uusi kirja, joka saattaa kiinnostaa ainakin hc-luokan Twin Peaks -faneja.

Kovan luokan Twin Peaks -fanina tunnetun David Bushmanin ja Mark Givensin yhteistyönä syntynyt Blonde, Beautiful, and Dead pureutuu Hazel Irene Drew’n kuoleman ympärillä leijuvaan mysteeriin.

Teosta on kuvailtu Metabook-kustantamon virallisessa lehdistötiedotteessa seuraavasti:

Metabook announced today the acquisition of Blonde, Beautiful, and Dead: The Murder Mystery That Inspired Twin Peaks by David Bushman and Mark Givens. The true crime title is the latest project to be announced by Metabook, which has published works from such New York Times bestselling authors as John Berendt, Diane Clehane and Wally Lamb. Blonde, Beautiful, and Dead delves into the unsolved mystery that served as one of Twin Peaks co-creator Mark Frost’s inspirations for the classic television show.

”Like the character of Laura Palmer, the young woman at the center of this mystery led a sort of double life and ultimately met a tragic fate,” said Bushman.
”Her story is a provocative tale in its own right.”

Metabook also released an advance track from the project’s forthcoming soundtrack, Theme to Blonde, Beautiful, and Dead by composer Jacob Yoffee, a
2016 ASCAP Screen Music Award winner who has worked on the trailer campaigns for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Ready Player One.

”We’re always on the lookout for stories that have the ability to move beyond the page,” said Metabook creator Benjamin Alfonsi. ”Blonde, Beautiful, and Dead is a
murder mystery full of drama and atmosphere, and we want to capture that in the soundtrack and film that will accompany it.”

Kauppoihin Blonde, Beautiful, and Dead saapuu ensi vuonna.

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