
NCSoftin Aion: The Tower of Eternity tekee sinustakin entistä aidomman virtuaali-ihmisen

19.12.2007 17:44 Jukka O. Kauppinen

Verkossa pelattavien massiivimoninpelien, morppien, valmistaja NCsoft puffaa seuraavaa roolipeliään melkeinpä sietämättömän sitkeästi. Promomaileja tulee nopeammin kuin niitä ehtii poistamaan. Mutta päästetään firma välillä ääneen.

NCsoftin mukaan Aion-verkkopelissä on näet tavallista monipuolisempi hahmojärjestelmä. Kaksivaiheisessa systeemissä pelaaja valitsee alussa yhden neljästä perushahmosta, joita ovat soturi, tiedustelija, maagi ja pappi. Näiden ominaisuudet luovat pohjan hahmolle, jolla matkataan loppupelin halki.

Pelin edetessä pelaajat voivat kuitenkin muokata hahmojaan siten, että jokaiselle perushahmolle voidaan valita edelleen astetta kehittyneempi jatkoluokka. Näin pelin alun neljästä hahmoluokasta kasvaa kahdeksan hahmoluokkaa.

Eipä siis muuta kuin hahmoja kustomoimaan ja kohti uutta elämää.

Aion: The Tower of Eternity julkaistaan PC:lle ensi vuonna.


Hahmotietoja lontooksi

The Warrior
Bold, brave and possessing immense physical prowess, Warriors excel in close-quarter combat. Strong performers in a wide range of situations, Warriors are relatively easy to master and when fully realised can unleash a spectacular range of physically devastating skills.

Depending on how players prefer to approach combat, Warriors can specialise as either Gladiators, who concentrate on dealing damage through brute force, or Templars, who combine fierce fighting with defensive chants and techniques.

The Scout
The Scout combines great agility with swift attacks. Scout players require a deft and accurate touch to get the most out of this tricky class, however the rewards are great and offer the greatest variety in play style of all the basic classes.

Scouts that specialise in ranged combat develop naturally into Rangers, an advanced class equally adept in the use of blades and traps. For those Scouts who prefer to stay hidden and strike from the shadows, the Assassin class is the perfect choice of advancement.

The Mage
Mages compensate their weakness in physical combat with the ability to launch devastatingly powerful magic attacks. In addition, Mages must learn to divert and evade the enemy so that they’re able to attack from the relative safety of range.

As Mages advance, so their mastery over the elements of water, air, earth and fire increase, their choice of advanced class determining how that mastery is manifest. Spiritmasters can summon and control elemental spirits, while Sorcerers channel elemental power into fearsome magical bolts and missiles.

The Priest
Spiritual warriors, Priests can use healing and self-protection spells to excel in melee combat, and launch powerful ranged magic attacks too. This makes them not only useful support characters in a party of adventurers, but also powerful combatants in their own right.

Priests that specialise in healing and protecting their allies naturally progress to the advanced class of Cleric, the ultimate support class. Alternatively, Priests can become Chanters, pious warriors that boast both healing and ability-boosting powers.

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